Effects of different wavelengths of light on the human body


What is light and what does it consist of

Light is electromagnetic radiation that you can think of as energy that passes through air at a specific frequency or wavelength. The shorter the wavelength, the more energy the wave contains and the longer the wavelength, the deeper the wave can penetrate human tissue. The wavelengths of light are measured in nanometers (nm), which is a unit billions of times smaller than a meter.

The whole spectrum of light, also called the electromagnetic spectrum, includes numerous wavelengths of light with different frequencies and colors, such as red light (in the range of about 650 nm) and blue light (in the range of 380-500 nm). The light spectrum includes both visible light that is visible to the human eye, such as red and blue light, and invisible light, such as near infrared light (NIR). The visible color of light is also based on the length of the wave and how our eyes perceive it. The energy in light depends on the wavelength, and color is how the human eye and brain make sense of the electromagnetic wavelengths of light. The visible spectrum of light forms a very small part of all electromagnetic radiation.


Color spectra and how they help

Let’s describe some color spectra and their benefits to human health.

Ultraviolet (UV light)
Ultraviolet light in the range of 100 nm – 400 nm is invisible to the human eye and has short strong wavelengths. UV radiation from the sun is what is responsible for sunbathing or burning the skin, it is also responsible for supplying the body with vitamin D and helps people produce and maintain vitamin D3 levels, which allows the body to efficiently absorb calcium from food through our intestines.

Blue light
Blue light in the range of 380-500 nm is the trigger of telomerase, which creates a strong antiaging effect, which is used in dermatology and also promotes the production of nitric oxide, which supports the body’s immunity. It has also been found to have some positive effects on bacterial acne and, for example, teeth whitening.

Green light
Green light in the range of 520-560 nm binds to hemoglobin, thereby improving the function, behavior and cellular elasticity of red blood cells and increasing the supply of oxygen to organs. It reduces the value of lactic acid, blood viscosity and improves blood flow through blood vessels.

Yellow light
Yellow light in the range of 570-590 nm has a strong detoxifying effect, promotes the production of vitamin D, which is essential for the protection of bones, connective tissue and the immune system. It also supports the production of serotonin, the so-called happiness hormone, whose increased production contributes to a good mood and suppresses negative mental states. Yellow light in the fight against Lyme disease shows very positive results, even in its advanced stage. It also has a positive effect on the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Red light
Red light emanates from wavelengths in the range of about 650 nm. The health benefits of red light are well established, as evidenced by many clinical and health studies. This light has the ability to increase cellular activity, improve blood microcirculation, activate the immune system by stimulating various leukocyte groups, and has spasmolytic and sedative effects. One of its main capabilities is the effective therapy of type II diabetes. and the ability to modify type I. and also has a preventive effect on the health complications associated with them. It is effective as a therapeutic tool for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, prevents thrombosis and reduces acute and chronic rhinitis. It improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, dissolves fats and cholesterol by peroxidating lipids, cleanses blood vessels of unwanted deposits, reduces blood density and blood viscosity, activates a large number of enzymes, which also improves skin condition and eliminates acne.

Near infrared (NIR) light
Near infrared light in the range of 700 to 1000 nm has a much longer wavelength than the previously mentioned colors. This allows the wavelengths of NIR light to penetrate deeper into the body and achieve other deep healing and regenerative effects on tissues. NIR light can support muscle health and improve the body’s natural processes of renewal and healing.

Middle and far infrared light
These lights contain infrared saunas and are used to warm up the body and support its sweating functions.

Light is a key element for life on Earth and is just as important for the human body. It is an energy with a specific wavelength and frequency. However, most people do not get enough light from their environment, which can lead to negative health consequences. In particular, red and NIR light improve cellular function and promote sleep, skin quality and regeneration.

Nuovo Therapy products isolate these wavelengths of red and NIR light and supply it directly to our body. Thanks to this, they are a suitable substitute at a time when we cannot indulge in natural sunlight, either due to the weather or the full schedule.


Case studies

Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) on acute pain and inflammation in patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29909435/

Efficacy of phototherapy to treat facial ageing when using a red versus an amber LED – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29858421/

The Efficacy and Safety of 660 nm and 411 to 777 nm Light-Emitting Devices for Treating Wrinkles – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28195844/

Photobiomodulation Therapy Improves Performance and Accelerates Recovery of High-Level Rugby Players – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27050245/

When is the best moment to apply photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) when associated to a treadmill endurance-training program? – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29185134/

Immediate and short-term effects of phototherapy on pain, muscle activity, and joint mobility in women with temporomandibular disorder – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28602137/


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